Karma || Full Nepali Movie || Tsering Dolkar, Mithila Sharma, Jampa Kalsang

Um filme fantástico. Em vez de estereótipos, pessoas reais emergem dessa história aparentemente de uma freira em busca do pagamento de uma dívida, que então será usada para pagar as orações tradicionais por sua abadessa, que acabou de falecer. Mas, como em uma jornada de herói, ou um conto de despertar espiritual, a freira cumpre uma dívida da abadessa com uma jovem freira anteriormente sob seus cuidados, que fugiu da disciplina severa da abadessa, e foi perdida para uma vida infeliz de vice. A freira reconhece que a verdadeira intenção da abadessa era salvá-la do mundo cintilante mas vazio do Samsara, e depois de saber dos resultados trágicos de mulheres que fugiram em busca de amor, ou uma fuga de suas famílias, desenvolve a verdadeira renúncia com a determinação de devotar sua vida à prática budista.

A fantastic film.  Instead of stereotypes, real people emerge from this tale ostensibly of a nun's search for repayment of a debt, which will then be used to pay for traditional prayers for her Abbess, who has just died. But, as in a hero's journey, or a tale of spiritual awakening, the nun fulfills a debt owed by the abbess to a young nun previously under her care, who ran away from the abbess's harsh discipline, and was lost to an unhappy life of vice.  The nun recognizes that the abbess's true intent was to save her from the glittering yet empty world of Samsara, and after learning of the tragic outcomes of women who'd run away looking for love, or an escape from their families, develops true renunciation with the determination to devote her life to Buddhist Practice.             
A small film could not have a bigger philosophical question: what is more important, inner development or outward social action? In a nunnery in the high desert mountains of Mustang, a revered abbess dies, leaving signs that she will be reborn in the precious human form once more. Prayers and rituals must be done to help her consciousness into its next rebirth, but the nunnery coffers are empty. The senior nuns decide that the only way out is to retrieve money loaned out by the nunnery. The two nuns assigned this mission are Karma, a free-spirited nun, and her opposite, Sonam, a more by the book nun. Subscribe: https://bit.ly/2K35T00 https://milaproductions.com/ http://nepalfilmingservice.com/ Follow us: https://facebook.com/milaproductionsn... https://twitter.com/milaprodsnepal https://instagram.com/milaproductions... #karmathemovie #karmanepalifeaturefilm #karmaajourneytoconciousness


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